Interview with Father Rosazza


Dublin Core


Interview with Father Rosazza


Cultural awareness
New Haven
Theology studies
Puerto Rican
Cultural differences
Maria Sanchez
Sacred Heart Church
Father Las Heras
Bilingual education
Nationality representation
Sarah Romani
Political figures
Police brutality
Racial profiling
Crime scene profiling
East Haven Police


Trinity College


Father Rosazza


To quote in print, or otherwise reproduce in whole or in part in any publication, including on the World Wide Web, any material from this collection, the researcher must obtain permission from (1) the owner of the physical property and (2) the holder of the copyright. Persons wishing to quote from this collection should consult The Watkinson Library at Trinity College to determine copyright holders for information in this collection. Reproduction of any item must contain the complete citation.







Oral History Item Type Metadata


Father Rosazza



OHMS Object Text

5.4 Unknown Date Interview with Father Rosazza 004 51:45 VoM Voices of Migration Watkinson Library and College Archives Oral History Projects We acknowledge: Father Rosazza: Interviewee Zeinab Bakayoko: OHMS Metadata Synchronizer and Indexer Cultural Awareness New Heaven Theology studies languages Puerto Rican Cultural Difference culture Hispanics Maria Sanchez Sacred Heart Church Father Las-Heras Bilingual Education Community Education Catholic Nationality Representation Cohab Financial Farming Employment Hospitals 1980 Healthcare Diversity Sarah Romani Racism Religion Political figure Police Brutality Racial profiling Crime scene profiling East Heaven Police Education churches Spanish Teaching Dynamic ministries Principles Poverty Togetherness Neighborhood Tobacco field slums legislature Women Representation Injustice Settlement Missionary Profiling Social justice Harassment Police Father Rosazza Video Interview with Father Rosazza 0 Kaltura video &lt ; iframe src=&quot ; ; playerId=kplayer&amp ; entry_id=1_x28eu5zo&amp ; flashvars[streamerType]=auto&quot ; width=&quot ; 560&quot ; height=&quot ; 395&quot ; allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozAllowFullScreen allow=&quot ; autoplay * ; fullscreen * ; encrypted-media *&quot ; frameborder=&quot ; 0&quot ; &gt ; &lt ; /iframe&gt ; 0 Introduction and his path to becoming a priest Father Peter Antonio Rosazza introduces himself and provides background information on growing up in New Haven and Torrington, Connecticut. He also goes on to speak about his admission to Dartmouth College and receiving a scholarship during his first year (1952-53). Father Rosazza also speaks about his transition from college into becoming a priest. churches ; College ; Dartmouth College ; Ordination ; scholarship ; Travel Cultural Awareness ; Democrats ; Industrial ; New Haven ; Theology studies Archdiocese of Hartford Website 200 Father Rosazza's work and personal cultural awareness Father Rosazza talks about being a priest at Sacred Heart church and goes into detail about the meaningful work he has done for the community. He mentions his different travels, such as going to Mexico as well as how he learned both Spanish and French. Through his work, he also mentions a discovery he made about the relationship between languages and cultures. He emphasizes the importance of learning the culture over learning the language. Adjustment ; Cuernavaca ; French ; Hartford ; learning ; poetry ; Spanish ; Teaching ; traveling ; Words Cultural Difference ; culture ; Hispanics ; Ivan Illich ; languages ; Lisa Ponte ; Maria Sanchez ; Puerto Rican ; Sacred Heart Church 375 Puerto Rican values enforced by the Church Father Rosazza describes his relationship with Catholic priest Father Las Heras and his important role in working with the Hispanic community. Father Rosazza also touches on issues faced by Puerto Rican children in under-resourced schools and how the Church tried to impress upon the students the importance of their Puerto Rican values. He talks about how Sacred Heart worked to empower community members by offering them help with things like moving or writing college recommendation letters for students. Catholic ; collective ; College ; Dynamic ministries ; Formation ; individualism ; Letters of Recommendation ; Poverty ; principles ; Togetherness 1960s ; Bilingual Education ; Catholic ; community ; Education ; Empowerment ; Father Las Heras ; Leaders ; Maria Clemencia Colón Sánchez ; Nationality Representation ; Robert Bellah The Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame Website 957 How were the lives of the Puerto Ricans at the time and what was their work? Father Rosazza breaks down in detail the settlement of Puerto Ricans in Hartford. Many Puerto Ricans originally came to Connecticut to work in tobacco fields, because the tobacco industry was huge in parts of the state. He also speaks about their transition into the &quot ; slums&quot ; of northern Hartford while working as farmers with minimal pay. To address the housing issue, the city established a &quot ; co-op&quot ; housing system, where tenants learned the skills needed to maintain the building themselves (plumbing, electricity, etc.). Church ; Co-op ; field ; Hartford ; legislature ; minimal ; neighborhood ; slums ; tobacco ; undeveloped ; wage Co-op ; cohab ; domestic ; farming ; financial ; housing ; Jobs ; renovation 1140 Facing inequality in jobs and hospitals with language barriers Father Rosazza talks about the difficulties faced by Hartford residents who could not speak English, especially when looking for jobs or seeking care in a hospital. Hospitals in particular failed to protect and care for the Hispanic residents of Hartford due to the language barrier. He then goes on to talk about how the Church, with the help of Maria Sanchez and others, pushed to add Spanish interpreters in hospitals and other departments. community ; fire department ; Healthcare ; residents ; Spanish ; Women 1980 ; Bilingualism ; Hospitals ; Interpretation ; Julio Lasada ; Languages ; Maria Sanchez Website 1430 New looks in hospitals with more language representation As the years went on, changes occurred to diversify hospitals. Father Rosazza reflects back on a visit to the Hartford Hospital where now almost 75 percent of the resident doctors spoke Spanish and how surprised he was seeing the difference between then and now. He also talks about the establishment of the Institute for the Hispanic Family and work done by activists Sarah Romani and Maria Sanchez. charities ; doctors ; language ; nurses ; race ; receptionist ; representation ; spanish ; women Diversity ; Hartford Hospital ; Institute For Hispanic Family ; Rosado ; Sarah Romani 1707 The Church fighting injustice towards Puerto Ricans Father Rosazza discusses conflicts faced by the Puerto Ricans who settled in Hartford. In particular, he mentions the mayor of West Hartford, who at one time made comments against Puerto Ricans settling in the area. baptism ; family ; German church ; Hartford Mayor ; Injustice ; Pastor ; settlement Maria Sanchez ; Puerto Ricans ; Racism ; Sarah Romani 1960 Bridging the gap between the Hispanic community and others Father Rosazza talks about Marion Grant, the wife of the Mayor of West Hartford, Ellsworth Grant (1969-74). He touches upon her change of heart towards the Hispanic community. He also talks about the Catholic schools, which had an impact on the community by helping kids graduate and teaching life lessons while working towards bringing many together as one. Catholic ; Hartford ; Hartford Courant ; Hispanics ; Mayor ; Missionary ; Uniting 1969 ; Community ; education ; Ellsworth Grant, ; Hartford Courant ; Mariah Sanchez ; Marion Grant ; Religion ; West Hartford Reflection Yale Article Hartford Schools Website 2120 Personal experience with the Puerto Rican community Father Rosazza speaks of his personal connection to the Puerto Ricans in the Hartford community. He further explains how welcoming they were to him and he adds how they brought the best out of him. Kindness ; warmth ; welcoming Connecticut ; Hartford ; Puerto Ricans 2240 What was it like when Puerto Ricans had their first political figure in government? Father Rosazza discusses the representation of Hispanics in government and highlights Maria Sanchez for being the first Latina State Representative. While he can't say exactly what the effects of her time in office were, he says that having a Puerto Rican in a position of power must have made a difference. Latina Leadership ; Maria Sanchez ; Political figure 17 Connecticut History Website 2314 Social Justice Father Rosazza speaks about the social injustice that occurred in Connecticut. He further explains the harassments and false arrests faced by Latinos from the East Haven Police department. Father Rosazza later talks about a Yale Law School case study that was opened to investigate police harassment of Latinos, which was taken on by the Department of Justice. In the end, four police officers involved in the harassment were arrested. False Accusation ; Harassment ; Latino ; Police ; Police Brutality ; targeting crime scene profiling ; East Haven ; East Haven Police ; geographical profiling ; Injustice ; Justice ; Police Brutality ; Profiling ; racial profiling ; Refugee 2734 Latino demographics in Connecticut Father Rosazza talks about the different Latino communities he's encountered in different areas of Connecticut, including his hometown of Torrington. Connecticut ; Danbury ; Derby ; Hartford ; Hispanic ; Latino ; New Haven ; Waterbury Connecticut ; Hispanic ; Immigration 2977 Conclusion The interview concludes. Father Rosazza chats casually with the interviewers in English and Spanish for the final few minutes. Conclusion Conclusion To quote in print, or otherwise reproduce in whole or in part in any publication, including on the World Wide Web, any material from this collection, the researcher must obtain permission from (1) the owner of the physical property and (2) the holder of the copyright. Persons wishing to quote from this collection should consult The Watkinson Library at Trinity College to determine copyright holders for information in this collection. Reproduction of any item must contain the complete citation. video 0

Interview Keyword

Dynamic ministries
Tobacco field
Social justice



Trinity College, “Interview with Father Rosazza,” Watkinson Library and College Archives Virtual Museum, accessed March 9, 2025,

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